There are a lot of animated cartoons in Japan. I introduce two of them.
First, I want to talk about “ Doraemon”. The main characters are Nobita and Doraemon. Doraemon is a robot and he comes from the future. This story is drawn about daily life of these two people.
First, I want to talk about “ Doraemon”. The main characters are Nobita and Doraemon. Doraemon is a robot and he comes from the future. This story is drawn about daily life of these two people.
Second, I introduce “Kureyon Shinchan”.
The main character is Shinosuke Nohara. He is five years old. This is very funny story.
These are especially famous and popular in Japan. Both of animated cartoons are on air on every Fridays.

These are especially famous and popular in Japan. Both of animated cartoons are on air on every Fridays.
I think you can interest if you can not understand Japanese very well.
★Please watch these animated cartoons.★
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